Ways to Stick to Your New Year’s Goals

The start of the year is a great time to set wellness goals! Whether you are interested in focusing on exercise, nutrition, sleep or any other facet of holistic wellness, channel that positive, fresh start energy that comes with the turn of the year to set some goals.

To help you maintain the momentum that you have at the start of the year, I want to share three tips that can help you stick to your new year’s goals.

  1. Enlist Accountability Buddies - Accountability buddies are people who will celebrate your success and provide support when you need a little extra motivation. Whether you have a coworker who also loves early-morning workouts or a family member who wants to spend more time reading, enlist buddies to keep you accountable to your wellness goals. These accountability buddies can be working towards similar wellness goals, but they can also be people who are simply there to provide encouragement along the way. Lucky for us at GLOW, we’re surrounded by potential buddies! 

  2. Write it Down - Writing down your goals is a great way to increase your commitment. You can use physical tools like journals or digital tools like apps to write down your wellness objectives. Noting your goals in places that you see frequently can also serve as a friendly reminder of what you are working towards. Whether you prefer setting reminders on your phone to check in on your goals or putting sticky notes on your mirror or in your car, doing these things now can help you stick to your goals in the future

  3. Celebrate All the Wins - This is definitely one of the most fun strategies, but taking time to celebrate all of your wins, big and small, can help you stick to your wellness goals. Whether you take a step of buying a membership at your favorite music festival themed fitness studio (wink) or getting a bigger water bottle to encourage you to drink water throughout the day, celebrate along the way as each step is an important part of the process. Whether you prefer rewarding yourself with a smoothie or celebrating with a friend, take time to recognize each of the wins! TREAT YOURSELF!

Using whichever (or all!) of these strategies that are of most interest to you throughout the year can help you continue to be excited about your wellness goals and see progress long-term.

If you want some additional support with setting or sticking to your wellness goals, we offer a free 20-minute health coaching session to all GLOW passholders. I would be thrilled to work with you and you can contact me at amanda@glowraleigh.com to schedule your session.

Let’s make 2024 a GLOWing year!

Amanda, Health & Wellness Coach


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