Fitness Resolutions

If you’re like me, you made resolutions for 2023 and they’re still resolving... 2024 came around the other day and just WOW. In the good ole dictionary, “resolution” is defined as a firm decision to do or not to do something. Guess I wasn’t firm last year, but if you’re reading this right now, I’m sure we share the resolution that we want to GLOW this year in 2024! Often times, we make lists about the things we want to do, but rarely talk about becoming the people that do those things. According to Forbes Health, the top resolutions for 2024 included improving fitness, finances, and mental health. These are very big undertakings at first glance, but let’s see if we can frame it a different way.

💖 We don’t become fit by going to the gym, we do so by becoming the type of person that goes to the gym and all the habits that come with that.

💖 We don’t become better at finances by spending less money, we do so by becoming the type of person that saves money and all the habits that come with that.

Mental health is a more serious topic that is not talked about enough, but one of the best remedies to ensure happiness is a sense of belonging and community. We strive to make GLOW a place that’s not just group fitness, but community fitness! Our resolution is to become the type of fitness studio in Raleigh that you can come to and be yourself.

In this new year of 2024, take some time to reflect on the person you want to become. What are the things that person does on a daily basis? Then, when you’re faced with decisions over the course of the year, you can be more conscious about whether you are acting aligned with the person you are resolving to be. Our mindset and what we believe about ourselves is the most important determinant of our resolve to accomplish things. I always do better with analogies, so here’s an example based on myself:

💖 Detrimental mindset: “I have social anxiety and therefore hate public speaking and being in crowds.”

💖 2023 resolution: “I should go outside, talk to people, and speak my mind.”

💖 2024 resolution: “I want to become the type of person that goes outside, talks to people, and speaks my mind.”

When we look at 2023, that goal is very much based on outcomes. At the end of the day, you’re going to sit down and tell yourself you didn’t go outside, you didn’t talk to anyone, and you haven’t spoken your mind in weeks. That negative feedback will end up as a serious impediment on your motivation.

When we look at 2024, we can sense a nuanced difference but a much better story. It’s not a matter of what I did and didn’t do at the end of the day, but am I proud of the habits I embodied toward becoming the person that would do and accomplish those things? I may not have gone outside, but I planned an outing with friends that’s going to force me outside. Nobody talked to me today, but I decided to check-in with a friend or offer help to someone just because. I didn’t get a chance to speak my mind, but the next time I’m at GLOW I’m going to post my resolution and favorite 2023 memory on the community board!

You are worth more than this world will lead you to believe, and here at GLOW we’re never going to stop believing in our community. Let us hold each other accountable! We have a lot of exciting things coming this year at GLOW, but we’re even more excited for the growth we know we’ll see in our members in more than just fitness.

Reflection: What is something you’re excited about this year? Why are you excited about it? (Ask yourself “why” 5 times and see what answer you come up with!)

xoxo, GLOW Girl 💖


Reclaiming your GLOW! 


Finding your happy place in fitness.