New Year, GLOW You!

Hi bestie! 

I heard it's “New Year, GLOW You!” season and in the spirit of newness, I wanted to share some tips as we are starting this year! Often at the ending/starting of cycles, we tend to reflect on what we’ve been through and try to use that as a way to create new milestones for ourselves. As you are creating your goals, I want to share some insights that I’ve learned in my experience as a life coach to support you in setting these goals for yourselves. 

1. Make sure the goals are challenging but not stagnating

a. Oftentimes when we are setting goals, the difficult part is thinking about how much of a stretch should the goal be. If the goal is too much of a reach, that could create overwhelm which could cause feelings of resistance because of the pressure it’s created mentally. When you are creating your goals, think about what you have been capable of in the past. If you are a small business owner for example, and you had sales which reflected 200 pieces of product being sold, maybe this year you shoot for 250. This equates to a quarter more product sold, versus possibly doubling output to 400, which may feel more realistic. AND if you exceed your goals, that can positively reflect your capacity! Although be wary, capacity reflects and changes based on your circumstances. A stressful life event can reduce capacity, but have grace with yourself and don’t internalize the difficulty of life as a reflection of your capability. 

2. Identify your support system as you identify goals. 

a. Asking for support can be very uncomfortable to do, although the more support that you are able to amass in regards to your goal completion, the more likely you are to be supported and exceed your expectations. As you are identifying your goals for the year, I also encourage you to identify 3 people that can support you with each goal. Most of us are not successful in isolation or 

under-resourced environments, so set yourself up for success and plan your support on the front end! This support could look like an expert in the realm of the goal you created that is willing to have conversations with you to expand your perspective. Support could also look like a trusted person who can have 

conversations with you to keep you accountable. OR support can look like your GLOW fam cheering you on as you make it through that last set that you didn’t think you could have! YOU GLOW GIRL!

3. Write down obstacles and action plans on the front end. 

a. We are often creatures of habit, and so usually the obstacles that we face in regards to goal creation can have some sort of root or core. An example for me is that normally when I am interested in cutting weight, cheesecake is what holds me back D:! Understanding my weakness, the way that I try to manage this deal is identify the root (sugar cravings) and then try to acknowledge that root in a manner that is more supportive of my goals. In this regard, I try to exchange the cheesecake with fruit for dessert, something that can still satisfy my sugar cravings, but will have less influence on my goals. I suggest as you are identifying your goals, possibly think about 2 behaviors that you have that may hinder your success, and write a plan on the front end that you can apply to help you navigate better in the moment. It’s harder to come up with a plan when you are in the moment or understand stress. It can be tew muchhhh. 

Finally, be flexible! Setting and accomplishing goals, like everything else GLOW related, is an exercise. The more you practice setting goals and getting an understanding of your internal motivation system and capabilities, the better you are able to structure goals to support you and your dreams. Shame and blame are two emotions that will not be conducive to you accomplishing your goals more successfully. Try to exchange those two with grace and understanding. Allow yourself grace to fail, and then use that as a space to see where you can better be supportive of yourself moving forward. Maybe you need more support than expected, and that is also okay! This will then allow you to understand yourself and your needs more, and that is always a win-win in our book. We love self-awareness bestie <3

Hope these tips are helpful to you as you are setting goals and navigating this year! You know who to call if you want to chat more about goals ;) 

Your fav, 

GLOW Girl ✨


Wif Hof had me trippin’..?


Summer Starter Kit